Indoor Air Quality
customized solutions for CLean, Safe Air
By evaluating the HVAC equipment, we can find what is right for you! Based on our evaluation and your needs, our solutions may include:
- Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization Solutions
- MERV Filtration
- HEPA Filtration
- UVC Solutions
- Building Pressure Solutions
Indoor Air Quality is the most important aspect in your facility today. There are a variety of solutions available to make facilities safer to occupy, so finding the right one may be overwhelming. McDowall Company will guide you to the best solution for your buildings Indoor Air Quality based on ASHRAE air flow recommendations.
Contact us for service
Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization
The Proven Process to Clean the Air
There are many options for providing increased Indoor Air Quality. When evaluating air quality, we often find that NBPI is the best option. Benefits of needlepoint Bipolar Ionization include:
- Target Particulate Matter
- Reduce Pathogens
- Tackles Odors
- Saves Energy
- Naturally Cleaner Air
Contact us to find out if NPBI is right for your space.
Filtration is another consideration when thinking about improved Indoor Air Quality and the efficiency of your equipment. Increasing the MERV factor is not always an option. Our experts can help find the right solution for your facility.
Considerations include:
- Appropriate MERV values
- Electrostatic filtration
- Frequency of filter changes